Over the past few months we've been hearing more and more about Azure Synapse.
For those of you that heard my talk and saw my talk at the UK Azure Users Group last month you would have got a flavour that several things from PowerBI to SQL dev environments, spark notebooks and ADF are being brought together into a single studio environment. It's still a little raw and needs some work to supercede what Microsoft call the Modern Cloud Data Warehouse but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
We're running a viewing on the 7th December to which you can attend here. The CreateData event that Microsoft are running looks pretty good with some interesting content and speakers including a few that I know and user group members like Simon Whiteley so looking forward to it.
Here are a set of resources which should help your learnings on this as Microsoft will be pushing this big this year.
Watch: The missing piece - Diving into the World of Big Data with .NET for Apache Spark - https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/dotnetConf/2020/The-Missing-Piece-Diving-into-the-World-of-Big-Data-with-NET-for-Apache-Spark?WT.mc_id=data-10095-cxa
Learn: Understand the evolving world of data - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/evolving-world-of-data/?WT.mc_id=data-10095-cxa
Learn: Identify the tasks of a data engineer in a cloud-hosted architecture - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/data-engineering-processes/?WT.mc_id=data-10095-cxa
If you want to follow this up with more learnings Elastacloud is running an afternoon workshop on the 10th December called Analytics in a Day, in conjunction with Microsoft. You can not only learn about the environment but we have some labs which will help you get hands on quickly. To register please use this link.